Formato: Edizione economica (rilegato in brossura), 234 x 156mm, 192 pagine che includono 100 illustrazioni in monochrome.

Lingua: Inglese

Rudolf Laban’s provocative, experimental, explosive dance theatre works have lain hidden since the Third Reich deliberately annihilated his name. This book exposes Laban’s audacity and his significance for dance theatre today, giving access to his creative practices as he provided dance audiences with shock, amusement, awe, curiosity, beauty and meaning. Dr Valerie Preston-Dunlop, with collaborating artists and dancers, has researched and recreated for today’s audiences four groundbreaking works: The visionary Swinging Temple of 1922, his diverse Suite of 1924, his critique of Weimar Republic’s decadence Nacht 1927, and his tragic-comic satire Green Clowns. The book follows the making of these works starting with his dynamic revitalisation of dance, freeing dance from music and from ballet, introducing improvisation to find movements never danced before. His struggles in Paris, Munich, Zurich, Hamburg and Berlin, cities vibrant with political controversy and dramatic cultural change, are presented as central to the content and rehearsal methods of his dance theatre works.
The re-creations discussed are no resuscitation of dead dances but the result of a radical new look at how to engage today with dances made in the 1920s. Preston-Dunlop, her collaborators rehearsal directors Alison Curtis-Jones and Melanie Clarke, and composers Oli Newman and Robert Coleridge, write with a frank freshness of what actually goes on in the re-making of an expressionist work where dancers may speak, shout, gasp, spit as well as dance in unfamiliar and demanding ways. The impact of these works on the collaborating dancers, in 1920 and today, was profound.
This book provides essential historical data on Rudolf Laban’s theatre works whose performances can be viewed on the DVDs made of Swinging Temple, Solos and Duos, Nacht and Green Clowns. (These will be available separately: they are not included with the book.)

Autrice: Preston-Dunlop, Valerie
Anno: 2013


Formato: Edizione economica (rilegato in brossura), 207 x 146mm, 368 pagine.
Lingua: Tedesco

Die Briefe vermitteln durch eine Fulle von authentischen Dokumenten und neuen Fakten unter welchen Bedingungen Labans Werk entstand; sie geben Einblick in politische Utopien und gesellschaftliche Visionen insbesondere der Zeit vor und wahrend des Ersten Weltkriegs; sie liefern eine Fulle von Zeit- und Lokalkolorit und vermitteln einen lebendigen Eindruck von Labans Leben und Schaffen aus authentischer Perspektive.

Autrice: Dörr, Evelyn

Anno: 2013


Formato: Paperback, 240 x 170mm, 206 pagine.
Lingua: Tedesco

Gisela Peters-Rohse ist eine Legende im Bereich des Kindertanzes - wie keine zweite deutsche Pädagogin genießt sie in diesem Metier auch international höchstes Ansehen. Das beruht einerseits auf ihrer in vielfacher Hinsicht besonderen Persönlichkeit, auf Phantasie, Empathie, Intuition und all den »guten Eigenschaften«, die ein Pädagoge für überzeugende Ergebnisse benötigt. Grundlage ihres Erfolges ist aber auch ihre in langjähriger Erfahrung und Entwicklung erarbeitete Methodik. Nach früheren erfolgreichen Veröffentlichungen der Thematik »Kindertanz« legt die Verfasserin mit diesem Band eine umfassende Darstellung ihrer in der Praxis vielfach bewährten Methodik vor: Ergänzt wird diese durch eine Fülle praktischer Ratschläge, Beispiele und Anregungen, um die Tanzerziehung für Kinder zu bereichern und die Phantasie der Leser zu wecken.

Autrice: Peters-Rohse, Gisela

Anno: 2012


Formato: Edizione economica, 240 x 170mm, 82 pagine.
Lingua: Italiana

“Anziché studiare ogni singolo movimento, si deve comprendere e mettere in pratica il principio stesso del muoversi. Questo approccio al materiale di danza  implica una nuova concezione del movimento e dei suoi elementi.”
Con questo testo del 1948, considerato il fondamento di tutta la moderna visione educativa della danza, Rudolf Laban ha rivoluzionato il modo stesso di intenderne l’insegnamento.
Presentando la danza come una pratica per formare ogni essere umano nel rispetto sensibile del suo corpo, della sua mente e delle sue emozioni, non si preoccupa di trasmettere all’allievo una serie di esercizi codificati, finalizzati alla corretta esecuzione di passi e sequenze, ma piuttosto di identificare dei temi attorno ai quali promuovere la ricerca di possibili principi universali del movimento.
Tenendo in considerazione le caratteristiche motorie, cognitive e relazionali delle varie fasce d’età presenti nella scuola, l’autore propone sedici temi di movimento che diventano libere piste di lavoro attorno ad argomenti quali la consapevolezza del corpo, di peso e tempo, di spazio, flusso, del senso di gruppo, delle qualità espressive, delle forme del movimento, ecc.
In questo modo Laban prospetta e definisce una visione della didattica articolata in maniera flessibile attorno al sapere del corpo: l’insegnante diventa così una guida che fa della propria consapevolezza corporea e della capacità di osservazione e di analisi del movimento, gli strumenti primari del proprio operato.
La danza moderna educativa, come afferma nel testo l’autore, non dovrebbe riguardare “solamente gli insegnanti di attività fisiche, come la danza, la ginnastica o i giochi sportivi”, ma tutti coloro che sono impegnati nei processi di educazione e formazione di bambini e ragazzi.

Autrore: Laban, Rudolf - tradotto e commentato da Laura Delfini e Franca Zagatti
Anno: 2009


Formato: Edizione economica, 230 x 160mm, 306 pagine.
Lingua: Inglese

A visionary, a mystic, a lover, a leader, dancer, an artist, a teacher, a theorist. Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) was all these things and more. This is the story of his extraordinary life, a life intimately bound up with the political, social and cultural upheavals that formed the turbulent backdrop of modern Europe.

Born in the fin-de-siècle Austria-Hungary, Laban lived in Vienna, Paris, Munich, Zurich, Hamburg, Berlin. He witnessed the dissolution of the old order, and lived through the traumas of two world wars. He saw the birth of new social and artistic movements, and was caught up in the rise of Nazism, from which he was eventually forced to flee, first to France, and finally to Britain to build his life anew.

Though he began as a painter, architect and illustrator it is in movement and dance that Laban made his lasting impact. He was a performer, a choreographer and a mentor, but his ideas were always part of a broader vision of movement as theatre art, as community celebration, as self-discovery. Through his research into movement he uncovered the interconnectedness of the body and the psyche, the individual and the group; and he devised a revolutionary method of movement notation that continues its use and influence today. Laban inspired others from all walks of life to take up and develop his work. His ideas have generated innovations not just in dance, but also in acting and performance, in the study of non-verbal communication, in ergonomics, in educational theory and child development, in personality assessment and psychotherapy.

A man of enormous charisma and personal magnetism, Laban was complex, fiercely unconventional and deeply committed. This book, the first full biography of Laban, tells the remarkable story of his life of idealism, disillusion and determination.

The author, Valerie Preston-Dunlop, became a student of Rudolf Laban's at the age of sixteen, and has remained involved with his work throughout her career. Becoming one of Laban's apprentices, she went with him into factories, with Lisa Ullmann into schools, with British Dance Theatre into performing, with Kurt Jooss and Albrecht Knust in Germany into notation and theatre work. While a young teacher of modern dance for college students she set about developing Laban's concepts for educational dance and for notation. Latterly her focus has been on establishing Choreological Studies as the practically-oriented scholarship of dance as a performing art, contextualising Laban's movement theories with those of other dance artists and researchers. Currently she is Curator of the Laban Collection of research materials at the Laban Centre Library in London. She is internationally known as a lecturer, teacher, and author on dance.

Autrice: Preston-Dunlop, Valerie
Anno: 1998, 2008